عکسهای جدید و جزئیات بازی Grand Theft Auto V منتشر شد
سایت مرجع
Rockstar Games Grand Theft Auto V Gets Two New Screenshots and More Details
Rockstar Games has finally posted a new statement regarding Grand Theft Auto V but, instead of offering new gameplay details or a release date, the studio has limited itself to explaining why it’s not unveiling new info and posted a couple of screenshots from the open world title.

GTA V was unveiled to the world back in 2011, when the first trailer was made available.

Since then, however, Rockstar has stayed silent and declined to talk about its future game, preferring to focus on current projects, like Max Payne 3.

Now, the studio has posted a new Asked & Answered article on its website, in which it finally talked about GTA V.

Sadly, the statements only explain the lack of details and why Rockstar is so reticent to share more info about the game.

“We are sorry if you find this frustrating, but please understand, we don't do this because we ‘don't care about our fans' 'don't respect our fans' 'hate GTA fans etc' – precisely the opposite! We do it because we want to make sure we only release 100% correct information, and because we want to keep plenty back for the actual game release so there are still lots of surprises when you play it,” the company said.

“The only things we care about are that you enjoy the experience of actually playing the game and that we release accurate information. We just have not been in a position to show more of the game than the trailer and will not be for a while yet.”

Rockstar did manage to share a couple of new screenshots from Grand Theft Auto V, which you can admire in this article.

The studio also added that it’s dedicating all of its resources on completing GTA V, so actual details might be revealed soon.

“We are very busy working on the game! Everything is going well, but the game is a huge project. We should have more information and some new assets for you soon,” the studio added.

As of yet, many analysts are now engaged in guessing games concerning GTA V’s release, some saying that it will be out this fall, while others predict an early 2013 launch.
Rockstar Games Grand Theft Auto V Gets Two New Screenshots and More Details

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