طرح بیمه فراگیر: بازنشستگی و فوت پس ازآن - بیمه زنان خانه دار - بیمه دانشجویان
سایت مرجع
سازمان تامین اجتماعی طرح های بیمه بازنشستگی، بیمه زنان خانه دار و بیمه دانشجویی
بازنشستگی و فوت پس ازآن

Different designs
Build your future today by
choosing one of the plans below:
Retirement and death after that (12%) with a daily payment of
21,234 Tomans
Retirement and death after that (14 %) with a daily payment of
24,675 Tomans
Retirement and death after that (18%) with a daily payment of
31,849 Tomans

بیمه بانوان

Women's insurance
Dear ladies, do you know that any Iranian housewife, student, etc., can
apply for insurance? It is enough to enter the non-attendance service system of the
Social Security Organization as soon as possible and after registration by selecting the services
of the insured section - special insured persons of the comprehensive insurance of the Iranian
family, start concluding a contract for housewives, or simply with a phone call from Services
Benefit from branch insurance.

بیمه دانشجویی

Student insurance:
Dear students, do you know that the duration of your studies can be considered as your insurance
history? It is enough to enter the non-face-to-face transaction system of the Social Security
Organization as soon as possible and after registration by selecting the section of insured
persons, special insured persons / comprehensive insurance of the Iranian family, start
concluding a student insurance contract or simply by a phone call from the insurance service. Oh you
Benefit from the branch.

آدرس سایت و شماره تماس

Social Security Organization
Branch 11
We will insure you with one call
Offline services:
سازمان تامین اجتماعی طرح های بیمه بازنشستگی، بیمه زنان خانه دار و بیمه دانشجویی

کد تغییر صدای مکالمات ایرانسل - سرویس جدید ایرانسل

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